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Dental treatment - Veneer


The patient is not satisfied with the colour, position of his/her natural teeth, but he/she does not want to completely grind off his/her teeth, then veneer is the solution.

In this case, only the thin enamel layer needs to be grinded off. We are speaking about very thin, light-transmitting layer. This allows for the preservation of the natural teeth, we only restore their appearance.

It is most used to restore front teeth. The dental technician prepares it based on the impression, then we apply it in the dental chair with a special adhesive.


When do we recommend veneers?

  • If a piece of the frontal tooth has broken off and it cannot be restored with fillings
  • If you are not satisfied with your smile
  • If there is a gap between the frontal teeth
  • If there is an inherent enamel or dentin growth disorder
  • If the shape of frontal teeth is not perfect
  • If tooth whitening is inefficient for discoloured, greyed teeth


In the front region are veneers and there are zircon-ceramic bridges in the rear region.


Before treatment


In the front region are veneers and there are zircon-ceramic bridges in the rear region. In the front region are veneers and there are zircon-ceramic bridges in the rear region. In the front region are veneers and there are zircon-ceramic bridges in the rear region.In the front region are veneers and there are zircon-ceramic bridges in the rear region.

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